Red Hearts Foundation Celebrates Its 3rd Anniversary

The Red Hearts Foundation, which has always been in the spotlight with social initiatives, the author of significant projects for society, covering all regions of the country and providing material and moral support to thousands of people, officially marked its 3rd year of operation. Recently, the Foundation hosted its friends at an event named 'You Are Heart' to commemorate this occasion.
The President of the Foundation, Sevda Haqverdiyeva, inaugurated the event with a speech, attended by representatives of Kapital Bank, donors, colleagues, and volunteers. She presented a report on the Foundation's activities throughout the year 2023 to the participants, highlighting the directions and accomplishments. Subsequently, active members of the Foundation were awarded special certificates of appreciation for their support in various projects undertaken during the year. Furthermore, plaques were presented to donors who have generously supported and consistently contributed to the expansion of the organization's activities.
Over the course of three years, the Foundation has executed various social projects focusing on three main directions: community, environment, and support for animals. These initiatives include seminars and workshops in orphanages and shelters, assistance campaigns for vulnerable families, educational scholarship programs, informative projects on health, mass tree planting campaigns in regions, coastal area clean-ups, and support drives for animal shelters.
It is noteworthy that in 2023, the Red Hearts Foundation received donations amounting to 14,893.53 thousand manats from 31,430 contributors. The collected funds, with the participation of 242 volunteers, provided support in the form of donations to 4,023 beneficiaries.
Red Hearts was founded in December 2019 at the initiative of Kapital Bank employees. The organization, which currently operates as a foundation, mainly provides assistance to orphanages, shelters and people in need. For more information please visit