Red Hearts Foundation brings holiday cheer to families of fallen soldiers and veterans



On the eve of the Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year, Red Hearts, the charity Foundation giving back to the community by providing moral and financial support to thousands of people, held a traditional charity campaign Tarix yazan qəhrəmanlar (“Heroes who wrote history”) for the families of martyrs and veterans with the support of the Sumgayit Technologies Park.

As part of the campaign, representatives of the Foundation visited 220 families of martyrs and veterans of the Second Karabakh War, presenting them with holiday gifts. Volunteers from the Red Hearts Foundation, Sumgayit Technologies Park and Kapital Bank took part in the event, which took place in Sumgayit. The campaign Tarix yazan qəhrəmanlar was held on the eve of the holidays in previous years as well.

About Red Hearts

Red Hearts was founded in December 2019 at the initiative of Kapital Bank employees. The organization, which currently operates as a foundation, mainly provides assistance to orphanages, shelters and people in need. For more information or to make a donation please visit