“Zero Waste” Solidarity marathon held in Zagatala

As previously reported, the Red Hearts Foundation has started the “Zero Waste” solidarity marathon in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the country's first bank, Kapital Bank. The project aims not only to clean various areas of waste but also to raise awareness among residents about the importance of environmental protection. The next stop of the project, which has already been implemented in three regions, was the Sheki-Zagatala economic region.
The marathon involved 35 volunteers working in branches located within the economic region, where an assigned area was cleared of 813 kg of waste. Special technical equipment was also used to ensure rapid and effective cleaning. At the end of the project, participants called on everyone who supports this initiative, especially the leading companies in the country, to take part in environmental protection projects.
“Red Hearts” was founded in December 2019 at the initiative of Kapital Bank employees. The organization, which operates as a foundation from 2020, mainly contributes to the formation of a culture of philanthropy in our country. Addressing sensitive and important issues such as environmental protection, ecological balance restoration, education, training, and enlightenment, “Red Hearts” engages in social initiatives. By visiting https://redhearts.az you can get acquainted with Fund’s activities and support by making a donation.