Get 30% off on Bolt rides with BirKart!

A special offer has been launched for holders of the country's most preferred installment card BirKart. According to the terms, BirKart Visa cardholders will be able to get a 30% discount on rides from the Bolt taxi service.
To take advantage of the offer, it is enough to pay cashlessly for a trip with Bolt using any BirKart Visa card (debit or installment), choosing the offered price with a discount. There are no restrictions on the minimum and maximum order amount. The offer applies only to Bolt Comfort category and the discount is not available when paying via Apple Pay. BirKart holders can use the offer that will last until July 31, 2022, an unlimited number of times.
It should be noted that the BirKart is presented in four types: ƏDV, Cashback, Miles and Umico. BirKart has a number of advantages, such as: obtaining an installment for up to 18 months, up to 40 days of interest-free loan in case of one-time payment, accumulation of miles that can be redeemed for any air ticket and possibility to receive from 1,5% to 30% of cashback when paying for products and services. SMS notification service is provided free. BirKart has more than 10 000 partner stores all over the country and this number is constantly growing.
For more detailed information about BirKart please refer to, 196 Call Centre or the cards’s Facebook page BirKart can be ordered by sending an SMS to the short number 8196, contacting via WhatsApp at (+994 50) 999 81 96, as well as through BirKart card centers