Especially for women entrepreneurs!
8% discount on Micro Business loan in March
Especially for women entrepreneurs!
8% discount on Micro Business loan in March
Need to know
- As part of this campaign female entrepreneurs can get Micro Business loan with 8% of discount;
- The possibility of obtaining a loan without visiting the place of residence;
- Opportunity to get a loan without going to the bank;
- Possibility to choose the nearest branch from a wide network of branches;
- Opportunity to receive a Micro Business loan in the amount of up to 30,000 AZN without;
- The campaign applies to loans issued before March 31, 2023.
- Tovuz rayon filialı
- İnşaatçılar filialı
- Abşeron rayon filialı
- Nizami filialı
- Qəbələ rayon filialı
- Xəzər rayon filialı
- Gence Kart Merkezi filial
- Sumqayıt filialı
- Cəlilabad rayon filialı
- Nərimanov rayon filialı
- Lənkəran şəhər filialı
- İmişli rayon filialı
- Salyan rayon filialı
- Qara Qarayev filialı
- Berde rayon filiali
- Zaqatala rayon filialı
- Goranboy rayon filialı
- Xaçmaz rayon filialı
- Masallı filialı
- Ağcabədi rayon filialı
- Quba rayon filialı
- Şəki rayon filialı
- Gəncə filiali
- Bakıxanov filialı
- Mingəçevir şəhər filialı
- Şəmkir filialı
- Azadlıq filialı
- ID cards;
- Age: 20-70 (depending on the loan maturity);
Need to know
About the campaign
- As part of this campaign female entrepreneurs can get Micro Business loan with 8% of discount;
- The possibility of obtaining a loan without visiting the place of residence;
- Opportunity to get a loan without going to the bank;
- Possibility to choose the nearest branch from a wide network of branches;
- Opportunity to receive a Micro Business loan in the amount of up to 30,000 AZN without;
- The campaign applies to loans issued before March 31, 2023.
- Tovuz rayon filialı
- İnşaatçılar filialı
- Abşeron rayon filialı
- Nizami filialı
- Qəbələ rayon filialı
- Xəzər rayon filialı
- Gence Kart Merkezi filial
- Sumqayıt filialı
- Cəlilabad rayon filialı
- Nərimanov rayon filialı
- Lənkəran şəhər filialı
- İmişli rayon filialı
- Salyan rayon filialı
- Qara Qarayev filialı
- Berde rayon filiali
- Zaqatala rayon filialı
- Goranboy rayon filialı
- Xaçmaz rayon filialı
- Masallı filialı
- Ağcabədi rayon filialı
- Quba rayon filialı
- Şəki rayon filialı
- Gəncə filiali
- Bakıxanov filialı
- Mingəçevir şəhər filialı
- Şəmkir filialı
- Azadlıq filialı
- ID cards;
- Age: 20-70 (depending on the loan maturity);
"Kapital Bank" ASC Azərbaycan Republikasının Maliyyə Bazarlarına Nəzarət Palatasının 05 noyabr 2018-ci il tarixli 244 nömrəli Bank Lisenziyası əsasında fəaliyyət göstərir.